Yasemin Skrezka has strongly been influenced by her multicultural background. Her father Turkish, her mother German, she grew up in the rich and lively oriental flair of Turkey in her early childhood. She moved to Canada at the age of 6 where she spent her school years until completing her degree in physio-therapy in Winnipeg in 1983. During those formative years she experienced the melancholic and peaceful nature of Canada´s landscape and people. These very unusual and contrasting childhood impressions are felt in her art themes. Her vivid expressionistic painting lead to tangible and »feelable« submersion.
She aims to affect the viewer of all walks of life and centres her subject matter around people at work, in communication or while dancing. These very trivial human scenes reach their meaning and their beauty through Skrezka´s sensitive portrayal of mimic, posture and movement in explosive colouring. Many of her landscapes reflect her longing for the northern spirit of Canada.

Y. Skrezka was born in West Berlin in 1961 and returned to Germany in 1983. In 1988 she chose her »home« in Marburg, where she did her post-graduate studies in »Motology«. She lives with her family in the
countryside on the outskirts of Marburg.

»The Castle Metamorfosi«  Titelbild

The Story of the castle Metamorfosi near Meckelnhausen
Story and Paintings by Yasemin Skrezka / Editor Penny Staples

Available as a booklet 24 Pages  |  21 x 21 cm

12,00 USD 

plus packaging and shipping / order here